Conferences, Events & Education

Meeting logistics and continued professional development are core needs for every association. Our team applies passion, professionalism, and a proven track record of organizing enriching events and presentations, helping you provide incredible growth opportunities for your members.

Meeting Planning & Programming

AMPED’s meetings team takes great pride in providing top-notch conference management from start to finish.

  • Our longstanding relationships with national hotels and convention sales teams mean smooth, cost-effective negotiations.
  • The meetings team works closely with our marketing team to give every meeting a branded look and feel across all graphics, materials, mailings, and websites.
  • Innovative and exciting ideas help us make the most of every event; let us take care of all the logistics.

A Focus on Knowledge Sharing

We launch and manage educational events, webinars, and podcast programs across a wide range of industries.

  • When in-person events are cost or location-prohibitive to members, we bring the education to them!
  • Online learning, as well as smaller, more local meet-up format events, is proven to effectively target and build memberships.

Strategic Planning Initiatives

Now more than ever, associations are turning to strategic planning to fine-tune their vision and determine initiatives and member benefits that fulfill their mission.

  • The pandemic has made self-examination even more urgent for associations; AMPED has guided our partner organizations through more strategic planning sessions in recent years than ever before. 
  • We excel at bringing volunteer leaders together virtually and delivering creative and effective strategy sessions. We ensure associations and their stakeholders focus their time and resources on top priorities.

Sponsorship & Grant Funding

Our team consistently drives record-setting numbers in terms of sponsorship dollars.

  • We recently raised $4MM for ACTRIMS’ triennial meeting, co-hosted with ECTRIMS, their European counterpart, doubling their funding goal.
  • We specialize in creative offerings, diversification of sponsors, and exploring novel funding sources within companies. 
  • We have grant-writing experts on staff who have secured both NIH and private grants to fund research and program development.

Certification & Accreditation

Many of our clients have created certification and accreditation programs that AMPED helped launch from scratch and continues to manage. Holding many individual certifications and major accreditations ourselves, we’re intimately familiar with a range of programs and management styles that support our partners’ success.

Staff Perspective: At conferences, we realized our late evening networking events were losing attendees — not to dinner meetings, but to karaoke! During one event, as people started leaving, our meeting planner spontaneously asked the DJ to switch to karaoke. That night, our team truly embraced AMPED's 'full service' by singing for our clients. It was a bonding experience, showing our willingness to embarrass ourselves for others.
- Jacki Kimball, AMPED team member since 2018

Does This Sound Like Your Association?

AMPED manages associations from all sectors with these key attributes:
  • Professional and trade associations, as well as foundations (Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3), 501(c)4, 501(c)(6) status)
  • Regional, national, or international reach
  • Operating budgets between $500,000 and $13 million
  • Members eager to take advantage of new technology
  • Leaders who want to lead, rather than manage, and see opportunities for growth
  • Mutual respect, trust, and partnership between volunteers and staff
  • Inclusive culture
Let's Talk about a Partnership
a group of women sitting at a table laughing